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How Hennge Created More Video Content with Fewer Resources


The challenges facing Hennge will sound familiar to many in marketing and sales: a high lead churn rate, a team already working at max capacity, and no automated mechanism for qualifying leads. But with some visionary thinking, they were able to reduce churn, create an entire new source of content, and automate their lead qualification—without tech expertise and without hiring any new team members. Keep reading to find out how they did it.

The challenges: High lead churn, limited resources

Hennge combined inbound marketing with outbound sales strategies, but with limited resources, the sales team was only following up with the most promising leads. Unqualified leads were let go after one contact, leading to a churn rate of 90 percent—and the team didn’t have the bandwidth to create an entire new nurture track to turn those unqualified leads into qualified. Hiroaki Mizutani in Hennge’s Cloud Sales and Marketing Division recognized the potential of combining marketing automation with content they already had, and relied on Brightcove to help them quickly activate the new strategy.

Solution 1: Repurpose existing content

Mizutani focused on content that Hennge was already creating multiple times each month: live seminars. “We thought that, by recording our seminars and providing them as video content after minimum required editing, we could create a large amount of content much more easily than by creating white papers and web content,” said Mizutani. “After deciding on the approach, we actually used a small amount of resources to create a good amount of content quickly.” Because the seminars were designed with Hennge’s customers and prospects in mind, they were an immediately effective method of qualifying leads.

Solution 2: Automate delivery and gather insight

Once they started building a content library out of their recorded seminars, Hennge needed a way to deliver them to the right audience. The Brightcove Video Marketing Suite (VMS) provided Hennge with an easy-to-use platform, so they could quickly and easily get their new campaign up and running. But going live wasn’t enough—the team also needed a way to track the leads who were then tuning in to the VOD seminars. “A free video delivery platform is sufficient only for delivering our videos,” said Mizutani. “However, by keeping track of who watched how much and storing the data in our database, we can perform our activities more effectively.” By integrating Salesforce and Marketo, VMS displayed live analytics and tracked Hennge’s leads as they engaged with the VOD seminars. Only those who watched 50 percent or more of a video were flagged for follow-up.

Results: Reducing churn

By deploying content that already existed, and implementing a user-friendly platform that required no technical training for the users, Hennge made big strides without needing to hire new employees or create extra burden for their already-busy marketing and sales teams. But did their new strategy work? "Now, when we call a lead who has watched our videos, we often get a good feeling from the beginning of the talk,” says Mizutani. “We can have a lively conversation and reduce the prospect's reluctance.” The numbers back up Mizutani’s confidence in the new strategy: their outbound call success rate increased by 200 percent. With VMS and its Salesforce and Marketo integrations, Hennge’s inside sales team reduced churn and got more face time with their leads. We’d call that a success.


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