Streaming Best Practices for B2C Marketers

Streaming Best Practices for B2C Marketers

PLAYTV by Brightcove


From social media to online experiences, consumers around the world rely on video to explore brands, learn about products, and ultimately make purchase decisions. Video gives businesses a compelling way to bring products to life and build trust with their audiences. In this episode featuring insights from interviews with a wide range of B2C marketing leaders, a B2C industry expert looks at how leading brands are implementing streaming-first strategies, creating omnichannel video experiences for customers, and driving revenue across the buying journey.


PLAYTV is Brightcove’s very own, award-winning streaming service dedicated to everything that matters in digital media.

Available on any device and anywhere in the world, PLAYTV provides news, analysis, documentaries and interviews offering fresh ideas, actionable tips and thought-provoking inspiration for using video to connect with any audience.

Explore PLAYTV’s streaming library featuring thousands of videos and hundreds of hours of content investigating all the ways to elevate the way people build and share ideas with the world.

From marketing and monetizing to creating and connecting, PLAYTV by Brightcove is the #1 resource all about using streaming and digital media to empower your business.

Learn more about the power of PLAYTV by Brightcove.

See how Brightcove can make your business video bingeable just like PLAYTV. Brightcove CorpTV.


See how Brightcove streaming technology and services can power the audience journey for businesses and brands around the world. Engage Your Audiences

Streaming is the best way to attract and retain talent, engage your workforce, and strengthen your culture. Sell More Products

In a marketplace that grows more crowded by the day, streaming cuts through the noise — from awareness all the way to retention. Monetize Your Content

Creating compelling content takes time, money, and effort – so it has to drive revenue.

Streaming can have a huge impact on your business. And Brightcove can have a huge impact on your streaming. Find Out More.

7 Ways Streaming Can Accelerate Video Marketing

7 Ways Streaming Can Accelerate Video Marketing


Did you know there are hidden features in the streaming portion of your video marketing solution—features that can accelerate performance by increasing the flexibility, interactivity, reliability, control, and reach of your message? This non-technical episode will provide digital marketers with real-world strategies for maximizing video marketing investments and discuss the importance of load time, stream quality, player branding, engagement, intellectual property protection, and more.

Great Stories to Best Picture: Conversation With Siân Heder

Great Stories to Best Picture: Conversation With Siân Heder

PLAYTV by Brightcove

There are storytellers…and then there’s Siân Heder, the writer and director of CODA, winner of this year’s Oscars for Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay. If Sian believes in a story, she will stop at nothing to tell it: Her first feature, Tallulah, took nine years to get the green light. CODA required her and her crew to learn American Sign Language to communicate with the cast. In fact, when she was making the film — oh, we’ll just let her tell it. Don’t miss what she has to say about what makes a great story, the importance of persistence, and the need for creators to stick to their artistic vision.

Video Vocab Ad Server vs. DSP vs. SSP

Video Vocab Ad Server vs. DSP vs. SSP

PLAYTV by Brightcove

Brightcove’s Ilya Degtev takes us through three advertising terms, Ad server, DSP, and SSP. Watch to learn what they mean, why they matter, and how to use them to start sounding like the video advertising expert you are.

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Security in Video

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Security in Video

PLAYTV by Brightcove

Join us in our chat with Bev Kite of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as we discuss the importance of security in video and what it means for the industry at large. We will also cover key insights that you can bring to your organization to understand and implement best practices in video security today.



You own your content, but to truly own your digital future, you have to own the channel it’s delivered on, too.

In episode 1 of the season premiere of PLAY, Brightcove CEO, Marc DeBevoise, introduces the Producer Economy and talks about the problems inherent in distributing your content on today’s social media platforms and the unprecedented opportunities enjoyed by brands and creators that take a different path and own their digital future. Welcome to the Producer Economy — the streaming world is about to change. Again.


PLAYTV is Brightcove’s very own, award-winning streaming service dedicated to everything that matters in digital media.

Available on any device and anywhere in the world, PLAYTV provides news, analysis, documentaries and interviews offering fresh ideas, actionable tips and thought-provoking inspiration for using video to connect with any audience.

Sports and Creating Value for the True Fan

Sports and Creating Value for the True Fan

PLAYTV by Brightcove

Hear from Simon Gardiner of the Goodwood Group as he discusses digital event strategy for distributing a multi-channel audience.The Business of Sport on TV, like any other content type, is undergoing a digital disruption as audiences view from different devices and TV ratings suffer. While for some, sport is just another entertainment type, but for the true fanatic and enthusiast—the drama and debates extend the life of any event with relative merits of players, teams and sports technology. Hear from Simon Gardiner of the Goodwood Group as he discusses Goodwood’s strategy to expand their events digitally, keep fans engaged throughout the year, and much more.

OTT 101: How to be Profitable

OTT 101: How to be Profitable

PLAYTV by Brightcove

This episode will take you through the different types of business models, distribution channels, and best practices when launching or expanding your streaming business.

What Is Brightcove Live?

What Is Brightcove Live?


Security, scalability, and reliability are essential to any successful livestream. See how Brightcove LIVE is the only true way to deliver a world class live experience at scale.