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We’ve made some significant enhancements with our AEM and Sitecore experience management connectors so that they continue to deliver stellar video experiences for our customers.

The Adobe-AEM-Brightcove Connector allows users to manage Video Cloud content and Players within their AEM environment, as well as embed videos in AEM pages. The updated connector supports several new features:

  • Labels. Labels can be applied to videos within AEM and sync with Brightcove Studio when activated. Additionally, the admin console can create new labels and filter assets by them.
  • Subfolders. Subfolders built in Brightcove Studio are created within AEM upon sync.
  • Clips. Video clips can be filtered on each page of search results within the admin console.
  • Scheduled Activation. OOTB AEM functionality can be used to schedule the activation of videos at specific dates and times.
  • Playlist Creation. Video playlists can be created in the AEM environment.
  • Multilingual Metadata. Multilingual metadata, or metadata variants, are visible within the admin console when a video is selected in search results.

We also released an update to our connector for Sitecore 10.1 with additional functionality.

  • Sync experiences and Players with their Video Cloud account
  • Update or create new Payers from the connector and sync them with Video Cloud

These updates allow our customers to take greater control of their content experience and reduce inefficiencies so they can spend more time creating innovative videos. For more information on Brightcove integrations, visit our integrations support page.

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