Meet Brightcove Marketing Studio
Get access to more features with Brightcove Marketing Studio
Bringing together the latest integrations with our most advanced analytics and insights as well as powerful features like interactive video, Brightcove Marketing Studio lets you take full advantage of your video content’s potential.
The packages include powerful capabilities along with an intuitive interface that simplifies how users navigate between features. With Brightcove Marketing Studio you get:
- Integrations with leading martech solutions: Centralize your workflow and enable teams to deliver premium experiences via integrations with MAPs, CRMs, e-commerce platforms, social tools, and others.
- Interactive video: Add polls, quizzes, shopping carts, personalization, chapters, links, and more to involve viewers in your video.
- Advanced analytics and insights: Harness the power of exclusive tools like Essential Insights to measure and analyze video performance across customer channels and segments.
- Target segments: Reach and engage the right audience with the right content.