Continuing on from [Part 1] (, Mr. Setoguchi from the Asahi Shimbun will talk to us about the skillset needed to work on new projects and his future plans.
## Maximizing the value of events held by the Asahi Shimbun
**BC Tsuchiya** What event involving video work that you have been involved in so far has made the greatest impression on you, Mr. Setoguchi?
**AS Setoguchi** As a photographer, I would say it was covering the announcement of the new era name “Reiwa”. I could see through the viewfinder that even the calm and collected Chief Cabinet Secretary was nervous at the moment of the announcement, and my hands shook. I felt it was an honor beyond my wildest dreams to be able to deliver a turning point in the times to the viewers’ eyes and ears.
One of the projects we launched from scratch was the first initiative in our long history to distribute videos of the All Japan Band Competition. The All Japan Band Competition is an annual music competition for amateur wind bands, organized by the All Japan Band Association and the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, and it has a huge fan base, with tickets selling out within minutes of going on sale. I myself have no experience of playing in a brass band, but I was very moved by the performances at the All Japan Band Competition, and I thought it would be interesting to distribute them online.
There were a few twists and turns along the way, but we were able to distribute digest videos (60 videos of around 3 minutes each) from each school on a members-only site. The videos were available 10 minutes after each school’s performance, and we received feedback from viewers on Twitter, such as “Why is it so quick?”, and we were very grateful for the support of our fans. I think this was a successful example of how we were able to acquire a different customer base than usual, monetize the event, and maximize the value of the event held by Asahi Shimbun.

## Not worrying about precedents, enjoying newness
**BC Tsuchiya**: At Asahi Shimbun, it is characteristic that we are involved in everything from planning to distribution of content. What kind of people are sought after at your company?
**AS Setoguchi** I’m a bit nervous to be speaking from my position as a junior member of staff…
The company doesn’t define in detail what we do. We are expected to take on interesting challenges that we haven’t done before. I think that people with a mindset that doesn’t worry about precedents and enjoys newness can achieve something interesting. I’d like to work with people like that. People who can investigate and take action rather than thinking about reasons why they can’t do something first. Yes, I’m sorry. I’d like to become that kind of person (laughs).
**BC Tsuchiya** Even from my own personal experience, I have found it difficult to change the mindset of people who have already built up a certain amount of career experience through training. Even if they don’t have the skills, we can teach them later, so the mindset is the most important thing first.
**AS Setoguchi** That’s right. It’s important to have this mindset first.
## Working to take good photos and videos is a universal theme
**BC Tsuchiya** What are your plans for the future at Asahi Shimbun?
**AS Setoguchi** Even with just video, I want to think about how to deliver it to users, from submission to distribution. With the diversification of distribution platforms, including SNS, optimizing the workflow is a major theme.
As a photographer, the universal theme is to keep striving to take better photos and videos. Trends in video expression are also constantly changing. To put it more simply, I want to learn new methods of expression and technology that are unique to the web, and try my hand at creating new video content.
## Working with video at a newspaper company is a special existence
**BC Tsuchiya** In the case of TV stations, there are many things that require a high level of expertise with TV cameras and equipment, and I think that you need to learn and acquire this from the time you graduate. On the other hand, the equipment used at newspaper stations is not that different from consumer-use equipment.
**AS Setoguchi**: No, there isn’t. However, when it comes to how to make videos, the common sense of video editing for TV programs doesn’t always apply to the web. For example, when it comes to the structure and editing of videos, videos for the web need to be made with certain tricks, such as putting the ‘climax’ at the beginning. Putting the most interesting part first is completely different from the grammar we’ve been using up until now**.**
**BC Tsuchiya** I see. I think this is particularly noticeable in short videos for the web. Also, what I find personally interesting is that in recent years, the range of uses for video by newspaper companies has been expanding. This is comparable to TV stations, which have systems in place that make video production easy.

**AS Setoguchi** I spoke with someone else who does similar work at another newspaper company, and we agreed that people in charge of video at newspaper companies are a bit of an anomaly within the company. People who work with video at newspaper companies are a special breed. Perhaps this is why they are able to develop so quickly, as they are not bound by preconceived ideas or tradition, and everyone is proud of the fact that they are able to put new things into practice.
## Isn’t it about time for the industry to unite?
**BC Tsuchiya** Are there any horizontal connections between newspaper companies?
**AS Setoguchi** There are on the ground, but there is no video version of the kind of thing that exists for photo journalists’ associations. There is no “press club” for the video departments of web-based news organizations. It’s also unclear whether or not they would fall under the umbrella of photo journalists’ associations.
**BC Tsuchiya** So you’re trying to decide on a framework at the moment?
**AS Setoguchi** We’re all in a bit of a bind, so why don’t we get together? We’re talking about it behind the scenes (lol).
**BC Tsuchiya** I’d love to organize that Meet Up on Brightcove!
**AS Setoguchi** I’d like to get together with the press organizations gathered in the press conference room and discuss the current issues and the future. I think it’s about time we all got together in the industry (lol).
Although we are all rivals, I feel that we are all comrades who have chosen the same path. While we compete with each other in terms of content, I think that if we cooperate when we are working as the same news organization, and share and give feedback on technical aspects, it will lead to an improvement in the level of the industry as a whole.
Asahi Shimbun is a newspaper company that has been pioneering the use of video. I was impressed by their broad perspective, which is not limited to their own company but also includes the entire industry, and their attitude of not being afraid to try anything. I would also like to make the Meet Up a reality in the near future.
The next Video Addict will feature Mr. Honjo from GYAO. Please look forward to it!
__After the interview__
__BC Tsuchiya__
In [VOL.1] ( and [VOL.2] (, we interviewed people from TV stations, but this time we interviewed Mr. Setoguchi, who works for a newspaper company. Whether it’s people working in newspapers or TV stations, or people creating services, I get the impression that they’re all a bit similar. At the start of the interview, Mr. Setoguchi was wondering what he should talk about, but he got into it and told us lots of interesting stories. I think that what he makes and the people who deliver it are filled with passion. Also, the point that I strongly agreed with was when he said that what’s needed is people with a mind-set that’s willing to try new things, rather than just focusing on skills. When you’re trying to create something that exceeds expectations, that’s what you need. As various technologies become more open and communities are created, they are becoming easier to handle year by year. On the other hand, I feel that the importance of passion and mindset is increasing year by year. In the future, I would like to gather people who are passionate about video and talk about various things with them. We are also planning a meetup for people in charge of video distribution at newspaper companies!