Brightcove offers a product called ‘[Brightcove Live]( “Brightcove Live”)’ for customers who want to carry out live streaming on their own website. On the other hand, there are probably many companies that want to carry out live streaming not only on their own website, but also on social media such as YouTube and Facebook, in order to expand their reach to viewers.
As a new feature of [Brightcove Social]( “Brightcove Social”)], it is now possible to simultaneously broadcast live to YouTube and Facebook without the need to purchase any additional hardware, by using Brightcove Live in conjunction with it. This makes it possible to broadcast live on your company’s website while simultaneously broadcasting the same content live on YouTube and Facebook.
In this article, we will explain the procedure for live streaming to YouTube Live using Brightcove, step by step. (In the next article, we will explain the procedure for live streaming to Facebook.
__Table of Contents__
– [1. Prerequisites](#1-)
– [2. Preparations](#2-)
– [3. Procedure](#3-)
– [4. Conclusion](#4-)
## 1. Prerequisites
– You must have a Video Cloud account
– You must have a Brightcove Live account
– You must have a Brightcove Social account
– You must have a live streaming environment (camera, microphone, encoder, etc.)
– You must have a YouTube account
– You must have completed the live streaming settings on YouTube
## 2. Preparations
### YouTube live streaming settings
To set up live streaming on YouTube, you will need to verify your account. Please proceed with the account verification process from the YouTube account verification page. For more information on YouTube account verification, please see the YouTube help page<a href=“” target=“_blank” title=“here”>here</a>.
### Destination settings
You will need to link your Brightcove Social account with your YouTube account. For instructions on how to do this, please see our support site ( “our support site”).
### Creating a Live Event
Create a live event in Brightcove Live. You will need to ‘activate’ the live event in advance before broadcasting. For information on how to do this, please check [our support site]( “our support site”). Also, when creating the event, please check that ‘Allow streaming to social media’ is set to ‘Allow’.
## 3. Procedure
To broadcast live on YouTube Live, you will need to use Brightcove Social, Brightcove Live, and an encoder. The following are the steps for setting up Brightcove Social.
### 3-1. Schedule an event
First, log in to Video Cloud and select “Social” from the menu in the top left. After the transition, click “Create Live Event” from the Social top page.
Select the YouTube channel you want to broadcast to, and click the “Continue” button.
From the “Event Information” section, select the “Title”, “Description” and “YouTube Category”. This information will be reflected on the YouTube Live screen.
From the “Schedule” section, select the “Event Date and Time” and “Time Zone” for when you want to start your live broadcast on YouTube. With this setting, your event will automatically start when the event date and time arrives.
In the ‘Display’ section, you can change the settings for making your live broadcast public. In the ‘License’ section, you can select the ownership rights for the video you are broadcasting.
After completing the above, click the “Schedule Event” button in the upper right of the management screen.
Please check that the numbers ① and ② on the left of “Schedule Event” and “Add Custom Image” have changed to check marks. In addition, the YouTube Live URL is generated below the video player. Clicking this will take you to the YouTube channel, where you can check that the live distribution page has been generated on YouTube.

### 3-2. Adding a custom image
When you are live-streaming on YouTube, you can set an image to be displayed as the post image.
Click on “Add custom image”.
Click on “Select image” or drag and drop to set the image. Then, click on “OK, understood”.
After clicking, please check that the image has been set.
### 3-3. Connecting the video source
Here, you will set the live event that you prepared in advance when creating the live event.
Click on “Connect video source”.
Select the live event you created from “Select Video Source” and click “Connect Source”.
When the settings are complete, the check mark will appear in the left side of “Connect Video Source” (③).
### 3-4. Previewing the Live Stream
We will now preview the live stream.
First, use Brightcove LIVE and an encoder to set up the activation of the live job. From the LIVE screen, open the “control room” for the live event you created in advance, and click the “Activate” button.
Next, set the “stream endpoint” and “stream name” issued by the live event to the encoder you have prepared, and start video distribution from the encoder side.
Once you have completed the above settings, return to the Social settings screen and click on “Preview Live Stream”.
Click on “Preview”.
The preview will begin. Please check that the content being streamed is correct.
### 3-5. Broadcasting to Viewers
To broadcast live video to YouTube, click on “Broadcast to Viewers”.
Click on “Broadcast Stream”.
The live broadcast will then begin on YouTube Live. If you click on the YouTube link at the bottom of the screen, you can check that the live broadcast has started on YouTube.

### 3-6. Ending a Social Live Event
If you want to end the live broadcast on YouTube, click on “End Social Live Event”.

Clicking “End Live Event” will end the live broadcast on YouTube. If you end the live event on YouTube (deactivate it) and end the video broadcast on the encoder, the live broadcast on Video Cloud will also end.

## 4. Finally,
how did you find it? I hope you now understand that by using this collaboration function, you can achieve YouTube live streaming on your company’s website without having to log in to YouTube. In the next post, I will explain how to do live streaming on Facebook.