10 points to keep in mind when managing videos

Picture of bc_admin_9

For companies, videos are effective for branding and gaining consumer empathy. In addition, the use of videos is progressing further in anticipation of the globalization of management and the arrival of the 5G era. Looking at social networking platforms that are familiar to consumers, various distribution destinations have appeared, such as Instagram Stories, Facebook LIVE, and TikTok, and the amount of time spent watching videos is increasing at an accelerating pace. In this environment, you will want to see business results such as increased brand awareness, increased engagement, increased customer acquisition, increased membership sign-ups and increased sales, so you will want to make videos that are worth the cost. However, the amount of work involved in producing each video will continue to increase.

– Uploading videos to each distribution destination, editing titles, descriptions and html
– When exchanging videos with video production companies and advertising agencies, uploading to a shared site and sending
– Organizing videos sent from video production companies and advertising agencies, setting and adhering to publication deadlines

In order to carry out the above tasks with limited resources and achieve results, it is necessary to manage operations efficiently. So, what needs to be managed when operating videos within a company?

__Table of Contents__

– [1. Operational structure, access privileges] (#1-)
– [2. Categories] (#2-)
– [3. Titles] (#3-)
– [4. Thumbnails] (#4-)
– [5. Subtitles] (#5-)
– [6. Distribution range] (#6-)
– [7. Publishing settings] (#7-)
– [8. Capacity](#8-)
– [9. Creator, publisher, updater and date/time](#9-)
– [10. Viewing data](#10-)

## Items required when managing videos

### 1. Operational structure, access privileges

As the number of videos in your company increases, it becomes important to define internal rules regarding the operational structure and access privileges for videos in order to ensure secure operation. In addition to the main administrator of the videos, it is important to organize what tasks are to be carried out by the various departments within the company, the video production company, and the advertising agency.

If you have an environment where you can set access permissions individually, it is advisable to prepare a list of users with defined permissions and clarify who can perform which tasks. For example, you might set access permissions as follows

– Video production company or advertising agency: Only able to upload videos
– Video manager: In addition to uploading videos, able to edit titles, descriptions, etc., as well as analyze and delete videos
– System administrator: In addition to all of the above, able to manage users and change various settings

### 2. Categories

Let’s organize the categories of the videos you’ve created, for example, whether they are videos for advertising or other purposes, or which products or campaigns they are for.

If you have multiple product categories, you may want to assign group attributes to your videos. In this case, creating a playlist will allow you to display related videos together, making it easier for interested viewers to watch other videos. When using these, you should manage them in a list to maintain consistency across all groupings.

### 3. Title

For administrators, titles are important for helping you to keep track of the content of the videos as the number of videos increases to several hundred or even several thousand. To improve searchability, it is a good idea to consider establishing naming rules. Depending on the distribution destination of the video, you may also create versions with different lengths of the same material. In such cases, include the name of the distribution destination in the title.

Example: “20190726 (date of production or release) _CM (category name) _SummerSale (campaign name) _FB (name of distribution destination. Facebook (FB))”

### 4. Thumbnails

Thumbnails are very important for attracting the attention of viewers and getting them to play the video, and they also help administrators to save time when identifying videos.

If you are creating multiple versions of a video for different purposes, the thumbnails will often be different. For example, you could have a special campaign page with a thumbnail designed specifically for the campaign, and a product page with a thumbnail for the product. You will need to manage these so that you can smoothly replace the thumbnails when necessary.

### 5. Subtitles

Subtitles are very important for people who have difficulty hearing or for those whose native language is not Japanese. They are also very convenient for viewers because they can watch videos even in environments where it is difficult to play audio. If you have created and added subtitle files, it is a good idea to keep each subtitle file together with the video.

### 6. Distribution Scope

Find out where each video is distributed as follows.

– __Owned media__ (company website)
– __Earned media__ (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)
– __Paid media__ (advertising)

### 7. Publishing settings

Keep a list of the video’s publishing status (public, limited, private, etc.) and the publishing period (start and end dates).

If you are using passwords or other controls for bonus footage, you will need to include these in the management items. Also, with regard to the publication deadline, be careful not to inadvertently exceed the usage period for which you have obtained consent from the subject of the video in the model release (portrait rights usage agreement).

### 8. Capacity

It is important to keep track of the size of each video. Whether you are using your own server or a cloud service, you will need to make estimates for the increase in the number and size of videos, and calculate the necessary capacity and budget. It is also a good idea to check whether you will be able to smoothly expand your storage capacity if you run out of it.

### 9. Creator, publisher, updater and date/time

The creator (uploader) of the video, the date and time it was created, and the publisher and date it was published are all very useful items for organizing videos. Also, there may be cases where you want to replace a video that has already been published. If you keep track of the person who updated the video and the date and time it was updated, it will be easier to check when you need to check something.

### 10. Viewing data

In order to link videos to business results, it is necessary to check and manage viewing data. Unlike text and images, videos can be played by clicking on them, and they have the characteristic of being able to measure viewing time. The following are the indicators that should be checked and managed when measuring and analyzing the effectiveness of videos and sharing the results with relevant people within the company, making use of this characteristic.

– Number of times played
– Total viewing time

These are the basic indicators for measuring the level of awareness of viewers.

– Retention rate, completion rate

These are basic indicators for measuring the level of interest (engagement) of viewers. If there are points where many people are dropping out, you can reflect this in creative revisions.

The use of videos in companies is progressing year by year, but I think there are few opportunities to reflect on video management. In order to link videos to business results, why not use the above as a reference to re-check the status of video management in your company?


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