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By Adam Mark

Developer Advocate at Brightcove


"Lazy Loading" your views in App Cloud

Brightcove News

"Lazy loading" doesn't mean you're lazy. It's simply a technique for deferring an operation until it's absolutely necessary.

If your template has multiple views, you should consider building up each view when the user enters it—and not before. You'll save memory and improve the performance of your app by preventing all your business logic across all your views from running at the same time.

In the following example from my "Map" view (map.html), the function MapView is responsible for loading and rendering the dynamic content on the page:

By listening for a "viewfocus" event on the global bc object, I can wait to create a MapView instance until the moment the user enters the view. This way, I avoid eating up system resources—and slowing down the user experience—while the user is off playing in another view.

(While you're loading new content, you can show a "Loading ..." message and/or cached data.)

p.s. Get more tips and tricks (and share your own) by joining the Brightcove App Cloud discussion group on Google.

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