Recruitment is one of the most important areas for every company. It can be a long and difficult process. Sifting through printed CVs and conducting phone calls can take weeks or even months. Even after all this time and effort, there is still a risk of hiring candidates whose skills or personal attributes do not match the job profile or corporate culture, or (even worse) of losing the perfect candidate because the process takes too long., the UK’s leading graduate marketing agency, is set to transform the recruitment process with the use of online video. With Inspiring Interns’ innovative video CV, the candidate search takes days instead of weeks. A traditional printed CV takes two to four minutes to read, and it does little to convey the applicant’s personal qualities. By contrast, a video CV takes only about a minute to watch, and it typically takes 12 seconds for an employer to get a sufficient impression.
An 85% retention rate is a strong reason for more than 2,000 companies to use Inspiring Interns for recruitment.
The Inspiring Interns process is simple:
Candidates create their individual video CVs via a laptop, tablet or mobile device.
Inspiring Interns uses Brightcove to publish the video CVs on its own website, on social networks and in email marketing campaigns.
The company posts the Candidate of the Day feature on its LinkedIn page and provides links to candidates’ videos on Facebook.
The video CV enables Inspiring Interns to find the right candidate for the right position.